An individual or business that owns property that is occupied by a tenant, rented, or even unoccupied, needs to ensure that they are adequately protected against loss as a result of physical damage at the property or against their legal liability to others as owner or landlord of the property
Property owners' insurance is largely required by building owners who do not occupy the property.
The type of covers that are available include – material damage to buildings and landlords' contents, fixtures and fittings; property owners' legal liability to others, loss of rent – and potential employer's liability.
We have experience in placing the smallest of properties right up to very large industrial buildings, with a large range of highly rated insurers.
Whether you already have cover in place and are interested in obtaining a competitive alternative – or are just about to purchase a property – please get in touch and we will get you sorted as quickly as we can.
Please get in touch
or call Colm on
(086) 262 3352